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I advise anyone experiencing the symptoms of vertigo, either the spinning kind or the disequilibrium kind, to see a doctor to rule out serious disorders that need immediate medical attention such as symptoms caused by medication, seizure, stroke, transient ischemic attacks, pericarditis, and hypertension. 


I hope the following will be useful for people who have chronic dizziness not associated with a life-threatening disorder, and for whom the Eply maneuver (for the treatment of Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo), medications or medical treatment has not helped.

How does Craniosacral Therapy treat vertigo and dizziness? As you may know, the part of the body that senses its position or orientation in regard to gravity and motion are in the tiniest bones, behind the ears, inside the temporal bones. 


The temporal bones are handles to the interior organization of the cranium, in particular a membrane called the tentorium. 


The tentorium membrane is one of the most important fascial structures of the body, found in the cranium, and its also called the dura mater, meaning "tough mother".  It attaches roughly between our ears inside our head; it is constantly keeping track of our movement relative to the horizon. It receives tension signals from elsewhere in the body. Its movement fluctuates in relative symmetry all day long, on a good day with no old injuries, stress or complications. Just like a good mother, the tentorium is tracking dynamic balance every moment; and helps hold everything inside the cranium together. Distortions such as old injuries even from the feet can impact the temporal bones.


There is a constant subtle movement of the tentorium, very slightly like wings flapping very very slowly. This movement influences the bones, of course, and also the circulation of the cerebral spinal fluid, which has such a big job in nourishing and buffering the central nervous system and brain, swishing fluid in subtle, butterfly-like patterns.


The tentorium influences all of the functions and pathologies of the temporal bones which include the smallest bones in our head whose job it is to tell us where in space we are. Any malposition of these smallest bones can create vertigo, dizziness, hearing troubles, tinnitus, and more.


When there is injury, trauma, illness, chronic postural displacements of the spine, there may be obstructions in how the tentorium can symmetrically move the temporal bones. In turn, the function of the temporals and its nerves could be compromised. That is why in treatment for vertigo or dizziness, the main focus will be the temporal bones, the tentorium, and the circulation of the cerebral spinal fluid. 


That is only a introduction. What's more important is what's going on inside you.

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